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Best deal for Cafe De Tiamo Hand Coffee Grinder is now alive. This awesome product is currently on sale, you can buy it this moment for only $49.95 and usually delivered within a single day.
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Order Cafe De Tiamo Hand Coffee Grinder top product. lowest price available for you on Cafe Hand Coffee at Lowest prices. Get for lowest prices.
Product Info
Put on the water. Place up to 6 tablespoons of coffee beans into the hopper. And grind while the water gets to the desired temperature (about 200 degrees). This is a no mess, no fuss grinder which is simple to use and compares favorably to more expensive brands. Ceramic grinding mechanism will not deteriorate. Clear receptacle makes it easy to see your progress.
Factor Benefits
- Durable Ceramic Mortar does not rust or have any odor.
- Small, but makes more than 4 tablespoons of ground coffee
- Ground can be adjusted from very fine to coarse
- made from fine quality materials
- Easy to clean and store
User Opinions
me me
I bought this grinder from another webpage which actually ships to my country. I was really excited about having a "good" grinder, even if it was going to be a hand one. Then I came across the design flaunts. I know that almost every hand grinder with a similar design performs poorly for coarse grind, but this one performs terrible for everything. The little metal piece that is supossed to hold the adjutment nut in place doesn't do its job,this causes that every time you try to grind, you are actually changing the ground profile, i mean as you grind you are letting the burrs loose this causes that if you want a fine grind, you end up having gargantuan grounds as well as fine grounds. There are some other hand grinders a bit more expensive, but i'm sure they don't have this design disaster so go for those.
Rating: 1 1 reviews
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